Government Cleaning Services Steri-Clean® Sacramento
Government Services in Sacramento
Our local first responders risk their lives every day to keep our community safe. At Steri-Clean Sacramento, we honor and thank them for the work that they do. From law enforcement to fire departments across this great state, they are all-to-often called upon to head into dangerous situations to protect the vulnerable.
Once your work as a first responder is done, there is no doubt the families of those dealing with the scars of a recent trauma will look to you for help with their next steps. That's where Steri-Clean comes in. We approach all trauma and blood cleanup incidents with a comprehensive protocol and attention to detail. By referring cleanup to us, families can rest assured their homes are free of harmful biohazards that could contain infectious pathogens.
And not only do we offer these professional crime scene cleanup services, but we also jump in and help you to maintain high cleanliness standards in your government spaces. Steri-Clean provides government assistance services to offices, buildings, and vehicles. We understand these spaces endure terrible incidents that may require extreme cleaning.
Call or Contact Steri-Clean’s government cleaning services Sacramento office for information 24/7/365 at (888) 577-7206
Tackling Government Services Assistance
Emergency Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning
Steri-Clean Sacramento is equipped and experienced at working with the cleanup of fleet assets. The last thing a first responder should be doing after a long shift is deal with biohazards in their vehicle. Steri-Clean has established several contracts with city departments to respond to, decontaminate, and deodorize quickly. That way, our first responders can either come home safely or return to doing what they do best – saving lives!
Of course, even the simple act of transporting the homeless, assailants, drunks, the sick, or the injured can leave behind potential infectious biohazards that need to be cleaned. Steri-Clean Sacramento is the biohazard cleanup team you can rely upon to keep your vehicles in tip-top shape.
Jail/Holding Cell Cleaning
Steri-Clean Sacramento regularly responds to many calls to clean and disinfect jail/holding cells afflicted with bodily fluids and pepper spray. After finding a biohazard spill in a jail cell, this cell must be appropriately cleaned and disinfected to limit any spread to other inmates.
Evidence Room Cleaning
Law enforcement evidence rooms, including drying cabinets, hanging racks, and processing rooms, must be properly cleaned and sterilized to prevent cross-contamination of DNA evidence. Steri-Clean Sacramento can get rid of unwanted evidence such as bloody clothing and other biohazardous waste. Weekly, monthly, or bi-monthly services can be scheduled as well as emergency callouts.
Drug Paraphernalia Cleanup
Drug paraphernalia can be found anywhere – parking lots, playgrounds, and apartment buildings, to name a few. A professional cleaning company must clean contaminated needles and other drug paraphernalia. Viruses and bacteria can live outside of the body for extended periods, offering an opportunity for someone to get an injury or disease.
Some drugs, such as the synthetic narcotic carfentanyl, are hazardous to clean up and can be absorbed into the body via inhalation, ingestion, or skin contact. From meth lab cleanup to identifying suspected fentanyl, Steri-Clean Sacramento can assist in developing essential corrective remediation procedures to reduce the threat to the public.
Extreme Cleaning Services
Whether you need emergency help or are looking for a long-term partner, our team is prepared to help any government organization in Sacramento. Steri-Clean's government services assistance technicians are certified biohazard and extreme cleaning experts.
Call us for a thorough inspection to determine the amount of damage and the extent of cleaning necessary. Remember, the health risks are high, and the work is complex.
Call Steri-Clean Sacramento today, for more information on fixed pricing contracts! 1-888-577-7206
Biohazard Removal, Disinfection, And Decontamination Services Include:
and so much more
The California Law Regulating Trauma Scene Clean Up
In 1998, the California Congress passed the Trauma Scene Waste Act. This law states that only companies licensed by the State of California can legally clean trauma scenes. The law further states that regular cleaning companies, including janitors, maintenance workers, or employees cannot clean such scenes. In summary, this law defines how the scenes are to be cleaned as well as how trauma scene waste is handled and disposed of.
* California TSW#750
* REFERENCE: California Department of Public Health
Steri-Clean Sacramento proudly serves all of Sacramento and the greater surrounding areas with animal waste cleanup services including Tahoe, Stockton, Elk Grove, Roseville, Vacaville, Citrus Heights, El Dorado, Vallejo, Placerville, Grass Valley and Tracy.
Call Steri-Clean Sacramento Today!
Our call center is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.